Where are you from? Our big city contains multitudes. And we understand that not only from common everyday experiences, but from meeting our classmates. From learning the different neighborhoods where they live. From visiting the "Folded Maps" exhibit at the Loyola University Museum of Art. All of these experiences have helped me think about the city I live in -- and what about "Chicago" I can identify with. I decided that m y Chicago -- where I'm from in the city -- is best represented by my travels. And not just in a car. In a car, you don't necessarily 'feel' a place, you just drive through. On a bike, though, it's totally different. You're present in the space, open to the people. It's easier to stop, talk, or just be curious as you pass by something interesting. I have an annual membership with Divvy Bike. That means I can ride those big blue bikes that you might see around the city, at any time....