
Showing posts from September, 2022


 Hi wlcoem to my blog, our first AP in WATER is a poster.  Beucas I want you to know abnout the usage of water aroudn th world.  We learned Aysha, a girl who has to carry ..... BLAH BLAH BALH In conclusion, I learn ed a lto.  I learned that .......

AP #1

 Here's my poster.


 Welcome to my introductory project that's introducing WATER and the SDG's!  We have had a buys week starting school, learning about the building and where we can eat lunch naerby, meeting all our friends, and larning LOTS of names.  In our classes we began to learn some things that are imporatnt for the class, like the SDGs.  That stands for Sustainable Development Goal, and it's imporatant for us because of the problems we have to learn about.  We also didn't learn some things, like our teacher won't tell us where he's from.  And I learned about Action Proejcts, where we create work instead of taking a test. For my very first action project, I am creating a poster.  My poster is trying to capture how cool it is that Chicago has a riverwalk.  For our FE we walked along the Riverwalk as a class, and observed how the peolpe use the river.  I saw a ton of boats.  The chairs were fun too.  I made a poster about the water, did you know ...