Craziest thing ever. Yesterday, I heard the loud, deep sound of someone crashing a drum. Closing my eyes, I heard the sound of the drum echo off a wall, the faint rumbles still audible seconds after the drum was struck. Moments later, again: BOOOOM. Again, the echoes. My eyes closed, the echos seemed hollow... like I was standing in an empty concrete building. Then, opening my eyes, I was disoriented by the sight of bright, blue skies. Outlines of skyscrapers reached up above me. Wait -- what? What happened to the wall that had just been encircling me? What it was, what the 'echo' I was hearing -- that I thought was the sound of a drum echoing off of a distant wall -- was resonance , or, according to Merriam-Webster dictionary, " the intensification and enriching of a musical tone by supplementary vibration". In short: somehow, placement of the speakers around me managed to give the drum sound "supplementary vibration"....